Monday, May 12, 2014

Top Ten List: Favorite Actors


I'm back, an I have a Top Ten List of all my favorite actors!

Number 10: Johnny Depp

I first saw this guy in The Curse of the Black Pearl, and  I was impressed by the way he managed to swagger around like that and still remember what he was supposed to say. Not to mention, he had most of the funniest lines.He's very believable in whatever role he's in and definitely one of my favorites. 
Four Stars to this one.

Number 9:  Chris Evans

I first saw Chris Evans in 2005's Fantastic Four. Imagine my shock when I found out he was Captain America! I never would have figured it out that hothead Johnny Storm was also level-headed Cap. So of course, I have to commend him on getting into character so well. I'd give him about four and a half Stars.

Number 8: Chris Hemsworth

When I saw Chris Hemsworth in Thor, I didn't understand what the world was going on. (I always spoil the plot for myself on Wikipedia, but I didn't for that one)  I did, however, appreciate the emotion he had and the way he portrayed Thor's relationship with his brother. It nearly brought me to tears, unless I'm mistaken. Another happy thing, I've only ever heard him say one swear word once. That could just be the script, but I like to think he just doesn't say them. 
Five Stars to this actor.

Number 7: Scarlett Johansson 

I've only seen her in Iron Man 2, The Avengers and Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Both times I've been wowed with the way she shows Black Widow so perfectly. I haven't read any of the comics, but that is exactly how I imagined Natalia Alianova "Natasha" Romanova. 
 Four and a half Stars for her!

Number 6: Robert Downey Jr

I didn't feel particular fondness for Iron Man before I saw the 2008 movie. Then, I was hooked. I was extremely impressed by his rapid fire speech and quick thinking. And while I most certainly did NOT care for his flirtatious manner, (flirtatious is putting it extremely mildly) he was still an enjoyable character. The next time I saw his was in 2009's Sherlock Holmes. That was even more impressive, mostly because of the spot on British accent.
Five whole Stars for this amazing actor!

Number 5: Colin O'Donoghue

I've only seen him in Once Upon a Time, but I thoroughly enjoy his performance as Captain Hook. It's a very different take on the character, and (in my opinion) a good one. (Although I'm not a "Captain Swan" shipper) Anyway, I give him Four Stars.

Number 4: Leonardo DiCaprio

I first saw this one in "Inception". An excellent mind twisting, brain blowing movie, his character was Dominick Cobb, and he played him perfectly. I also loved him as "The Great Gatsby", which was sad, but, as the title suggests, great. A wonderful actor all round. Four Stars.

Number 3: Tom Hiddleston

I saw Tom as Loki in Thor, and as I mentioned before, my mind got blown to Asgard and back. He didn't even seem like he was acting. The whole thing was absolutely amazing. I still can't believe he's got such a huge fan base at such a young age. (But I totally get why everyone thinks he's cute)
Five Stars for him.

Number 2: Jeremy Renner

I saw his cameo in Thor, and even though it only lasted for about a minute, I still liked the character. The liking was intensified in The Avengers. Something about the way he always had a smile and a joke, even when under Loki's mind control. Renner was also great in The Bourne Legacy. Aaron Cross was no Jason Bourne, but he was still pretty cool.
Four and a half Stars to him.

And my Number 1 favorite: Liam Neeson!

When six I saw Star Wars Episode 1 and, I'll admit it, I had a little kid crush on him. (He was a hero, don't judge. ;)
Anyway, I think I cried when Qui-gon died., and was relieved to find out he was just acting. It took me a little longer to realize that everyone on TV was acting, none of that actually happened. I still to this day love his voice. To me, it's full of comfort and wisdom, and absolutely perfect. Liam is a great actor who uses plenty of emotion. He's almost even better as a villain, like in Batman Begins.
Five Stars to one of my favorite actors!

By the way, none of these actors are Christian that I know of, so please pray for them!

So that's it! Feel free to post a comment with your thoughts!

See Ya!


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